Palghar Vision centre :: Clinical Excellence

Palghar Vision Centre


Retinoscope, pulsair NCT, slit lamp, 3 Netra

Objective refraction is performed with the help of a keeler retinoscope, followed by subjective refraction, Patient undergoes a comprehensive eye examination, IOP is checked by pulsair NCT, Followed by anterior and posterior segment evaluation, with slit lamp biomicroscope and direct ophthalmoscope


Brock string exercise

If patient complain of headache and eye strain, Then patient underwent a complete orthoptic evaluation, On the basis of diagnosis, vision therapy management was done

Human Resources

Mumtaz Qazi

Incharge of the centre and concultant optometrist

Mumtaz Qazi completed her Master’s in Optometry from Lotus College of Optometry and has experience of more than 9 years in the field of optometry Recently achieved FIACLE statusMumtaz manages the center with the help of Community health worker -Msa Jagruti Patil and 2 interns

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